This morning I was procrastinating, cruising the web trying to come up with an idea of what to write about today. My ADHD N.E. Coaches Group sent an email and mentioned a blog by Andy Dooley. He talks about Storytelling as a tool for changing your negative thinking and therefore changing your actions and behaviors. In psychology this is called Cognitive Restructuring. I like to think about it as "Positive Brainwashing". By the way, in the 12-Step Programs they refer to it as "Fake it till you make it" and "act as if". Whatever you choose to call it, your self-esteem grows from positive affirmations and droops with negative ones.
It is very easy for anyone at any time to get stuck in a rut with what we think, say and do. For those of us with ADHD the 'rut' can become somewhat obsessive. "Stick to you guns" is an old expression that sums it up pretty well. Our choices stem from our thoughts, our beliefs, our emotions. Words, both spoken and silent are powerful.
I truly believe that people with ADHD are very creative and if you think back you will most likely remember many stories that you 'made up' (either true or false) to offer explanations for 'non-acceptable' behaviors or obligations forgotten, or…
Today I challenge all of us to find one negative belief and not only substitute a positive belief for it but make up a story to go along with it. As an example I will use a negative statement that I hear from clients way too often. "I am too fat and have nothing to wear". The substitute belief could be, "My body is beautiful and I will find something to wear". The story could be:
Once upon a time and still to this day there was and still is a beautiful person named ________. _______ has a closet and dresser filled with really nice clothes that she looks great in. Today when _______ got dressed and looked in the mirror he was so pleased that she started grinning and dancing around the bedroom. As _______ was waving her arms around dancing and singing he stopped and looked in the mirror again. Much to ______'s delight she realized that he felt 'juiced' to head on out and start her day, which was going to be terrific because life is as beautiful as she is. The end. mindfulness matters
I am not familiar with the official terms for techniques such as this, but I am very aware at just how powerful they are.
Almost subconsciously I use these techniques to get me out of a mood, rut or position of anger to refocus my attention and attitude.
It’s great to read other people talking about this and reminding me that it’s a proven technique even if I haven’t officially been diagnosed with ADHD.
Thanks for the post, I’ve just bookmarked your site too.