Hello all of you wonderful people who have tried to befriend me and get to know me over the past two years.  I have been 'missing in action'.  I'm Back!

For 2 years I steadily traveled back and forth from Vermont where I live, to Florida where my elderly, ill folks lived.  I tried to run my therapy practice, my coaching business and my life while helping to take care of my parents. Unfortunately my writing suffered. Actually, because of the pain, I've been blocked  most of those 2 years.  Over a 2 month span I lost my Mother, Father and closest Aunt/ally.  We just had another memorial service in New Jersey last weekend so that all of our relatives could attend.  This huge, 3/4 of ones life, huge chapter of my life is physically closed.  Emotionally and cognitively it is very active.

I am ready to start writing again. I feel the need so strongly.  And here I am on this website, "adderworld.ning.com/profile/JudiJeromeLICSWLADC" choosing for some unknown reason, to write my first blog entry in a VERY long time. This must be "home". Thank you for that very needed and special feeling. 

So, here I am, all of my grown-ups are gone.  That truly makes me the grown-up.  Me, this professional woman with ADHD and so many years old (a woman has to have some secrets), so many years as an adult,  I am the grown-up that I have to depend on and get cudo's from, and hear the opinion of… ME.  How strange. How sad. How?

The support of professionals, friends, cousins, and the social networks that I have built is what I will purposely fill this empty hole with.  That is a big part of the "How?".  Trust in myself and allowing the grief process to transcend all 5 stages is a really big part of the "HOW?".  And the biggie for me, 'writing' is a very big part of the "HOW?".   Again, thank you all so very much for being there, here and everywhere. mindfulness matters

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2 Responses to I’M ALIVE

  1. Suzanne Hosch says:

    Yes!!! I responded to your ADHD & Grief posting…

  2. Judi Jerome says:

    Hello Suzanne,
    Thank you for your comment. I am glad that my words have touched you. I know how difficult it is and my heart goes out to you. We just have to allow the pain and the process. I’ve sent you a more detailed email. Take care of yourself and don’t go through it alone. Be well.
    mindfully yours, judi
    Judi Jerome, LICSW, LADC
    Mindfulness Matters Coaching

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