I would like to offer a sincere apology to all of my readers, followers,
subscribers, fans, friends and ADDers for not publishing this blog for so many
months. The illness and then loss of my mother and my special aunt along
with the terminal illness of my father has kept me on a plane, in flux and
writing in private. Cleaning out the house of 61 years of marriage, and the
belongings of a family with ADHD, along with my grief, has clogged the creative
writing part of my ADHD brain as well as my heart.
Multi-tasking and balancing is more difficult when an ADDer is grieving.
Prioritizing and choosing what to let go of can be difficult for people with
ADHD and we have to work very hard to achieve balance. Our moods,
schedules, activities, projects, tasks, joys, passions, play, work and various
roles that comprise our life are all affected by our grief on a daily basis.
Like the playground “see-saw” of my childhood, everything in our life
that we must balance hinges precariously on that middle point of production.
Being the smallest kid in my class each year meant that the other kids were
always able to hold my end of that see-saw up in the air. An ADHD
coach is an amazing help in helping to form and maintain that middle
“axle” that keeps you balanced.
As a child I struggled to ground myself and keep my playmates in the air. (I
started see-sawing with younger kids!). As an adult and an ADHD Coach, I
use mindfulness and mindfulness meditation to calm ground and balance
Grief, two businesses, writing/publishing, and continual trips down south would
seemingly be enough to clog the creative process. The difficulty of
letting go of my parent’s possessions and my overly sentimental attachment to
these historical ‘mementoes’ that they collected over the last 61 years has
taken up way too much of my emotions and time.
ADHD and Emotions, ADHD and Possessions, ADHD and Time management, ADHD and
Grief: there I’ve been and still am but I am also back in the world of
blogging! mindfulness matters!
Thank you for this brief entry… I hit a day today where the phrase “so what” was my predominate thought… I am a gifted special ed teacher in a job that I love… I have been married 3 years to a great guy … but I have lost my Dad and mother in the past 14 months… and somehow the ceiling seems a lot closer than it did a few months ago. I am not suicidal by any stretch of the imagination, but am clogged up in my thinking… organization is awful, worse than usual and my creative juices are slow flowing…When I realized in my ride to work today that I am depressed… and the why’s came to light… I went looking for information and your blog appeared.. like a beacon of unexpected assurance for me….